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- “O Java EE 7 Application Servers, Where Art Thou?” is a humorously-titled summary of the state of Java EE 7 deployment options, covering the full and web profiles for Java EE 7. It’s the sort of thing one wants to know, honestly: great job, Antonio.
- From Stack Overflow, “How to get started with Akka streams?” is a Scala question, not a Java one, but Akka has a Java implementation as well. The first answer (accepted, upvoted) is a fantastic explanation. I may port it to pure Java just for example’s sake…
- From our friends at DZone, Orson Charts 1.5 is Open Source announces that Orson Charts 1.5 has been released, and it’s available under the GPLv3 (a commercial license is available for people who don’t want the restrictions of the GPL). It’s a 3D charting library, not a 2D charting library, and they say if you need 2D charts, you should use JFreeChart – Orson Charts looks great on first impressions, though. (It’s worth noting that apparently both Orson Charts and JFreeChart were from the same author.)
- More from DZone: Application Security for Java Developers is a summary of security concerns. It’s really more of a short “have you thought of this?” post – useful, but not very deep.